
When confronted with darkness, the human eye increases its ability to see 100,000 times. The finest camera in the world cannot even come close to such magnification, yet the human eye does it every day, easily and automatically. (D. James Kennedy, Why I Believe)

Of all the creatures that exist on earth, only man has the desire to worship a supreme being. The study of anthropology has discovered that this trait of worship is unique to the human species. No animal has been observed to build worship centers or pray to its creator. Yet every human nation and culture, both primitive and advanced, manifests this tendency by virtue of man's design by God.

Anthropologist Henry Fairfield Osborn once said: "To my mind, the human brain is the most marvelous and mysterious object in the whole universe." Though it weighs only 3.3 pounds, it can perform what 500 tons of electrical equipment cannot do. (ibid.)

Emile Borel, a renown scientist and mathematician, says that a cosmic event will not occur if it has a probability ratio of more than 1,050 to 1. The probability of a single human cell evolving by chance over time is 10,119,000 to 1. In other words, it is statistically impossible. Yet consider the probability of thousands of such randomly evolved cells grouping themselves together in perfect order, harmony, and interrelatedness to produce a complete human being. (ibid.)

In physics, the Second Law of Thermodynamics says that any physical system left to itself will decay and become disordered. Yet the universe always remains highly organized and ordered, seemingly defying this fundamental principle. The brilliant physicist Boris P. Dotsenko was raised in atheism yet spoke: "It suddenly dawned on me that there must be a very powerful organizing force counteracting this disorganizing tendency within nature, keeping the universe controlled and in order. This force must not be material; otherwise, it too would become disordered. I concluded that this power must be both omnipotent and omniscient. There must be a God—one God—controlling everything!"