
Christ is versus religion. Whether we believe in Christ or not, the statement generates an immediate response in all of us. After all, aren't Christ and religion the same? How can they be against one another? In what ways are they so different that they may be considered opposing forces working towards entirely different ends? More importantly, what does this mean for us and our own seeking after God? This fundamental contradiction is what we have set out to explore and explain in this issue of Generation.

By religion, we mean anything that is done with respect to God without the living presence of Christ Himself. For nearly everyone, the idea that Christ is versus religion is an entirely new one. Simply by growing up in today's society, regardless of our family background, we have become familiar with religion. Consequently, we may think that we are also familiar with Jesus Christ. However, no organized religion or religious system—of any kind—can provide a real way to know Christ. Such systems are devoid of Him. As many in our generation can attest, religion has become a major stumbling block to those who are genuinely seeking God.

In these few pages, we are not presenting yet another variant of religion. Christ and religion are not the same. Christ—not religion—is the unique way to God (John 14:6). It is with this as our stand that we present this issue of Generation, confident that it will prove to be both enlightening and liberating.

The Editors

"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." John 8:32