
Is there really only one way to God? Can't I just wait until I'm a little older to become a Christian, so I can enjoy life a little first? What about the people who never hear about Jesus? What about a really good and decent person who doesn't believe? Can't everyone just find their own way to God?—These were just some of the many questions I had about the Christian faith. I just couldn't decide to be a part of a religion that seemed so tough on people outside of its beliefs. I had learned quite a bit about the Christian faith from some of my Christian friends and from weekly Sunday morning sermons. Somehow, though, even with all that knowledge, my questions still remained. I had come to the conclusion that most Christians just ignorantly claimed that they were right and never really addressed these questions. This is where my search began.

All these thoughts were happening as a result of a big change in my life—going away to college. During my freshman year at Ohio State University, I received a free Bible on campus and began to seek out answers to my arsenal of questions. As I read I found that it was going to take a long time to really understand the Bible. I was reading through the gospel according to Matthew and was having a very hard time understanding everything. It seemed like the Bible was just a bunch of nice stories to help me be a better person. It was about this time that I met some Christians on the campus. I attended some of their meetings and just enjoyed sitting there listening to what they had to say. I still had many doubts, but they helped me begin to understand the Bible a little more. Over the next year or so, though, my interest in the Bible waned. I stopped reading and didn't meet that much with the Christians I knew on campus.

During the next school year, I decided I'd make one more effort to understand the Christian faith. Once again I embarked on my journey through the Bible. I took up the practice of reading it before bed every night. After a short time, though I still didn't understand everything I was reading, it didn't seem to matter. I really began to look forward to that time; ending my day by reading the Bible was very satisfying. The best way I can describe my experience is through the analogy of food. Every night I felt like I was getting fed through the Bible. Despite not understanding every detail, there was something deep in my being that seemed to be getting fed. In my whole life I had never experienced anything like it. I was truly touching something real.

Then one night something happened. Something different. As I read through my Bible in the usual way, I was with a personal revelation. I was reading that Jesus was raised from the dead, but this time, as I was reading there was light shining. I had heard that Jesus was raised from the dead probably a thousand times before, but this time was different. This time it got through to me. I glanced over to my sleeping roommate and thought to myself, "If Jesus is alive that means He is just as easy to contact as my roommate. That means I can talk to Him like a real person." As I considered this I decided that I should just try it.

I began to talk to the Lord Jesus. I opened myself to Him. I met Him. I knew He was real. I knew my life would never be the same. My questions about the Christian faith disappeared. There was something deep within me that believed. That same place in me that had been fed through the Bible was now completely filled. I touched God Himself. I had met Him in person. I could no longer argue. I just believed. I knew, even without understanding how, that Jesus is real, and He is alive.

Although this seems like an extraordinary experience, it was actually very normal. It was as if I had finally found out what I was created for. Many times in life we hear clichés like "life is short." Often, these statements pass through our ears unheard. It isn't until someone close to us dies that we really realize that life is short. No longer is it an objective truth, but it becomes a subjective reality. This is what happened to me. All my life I heard that Jesus is alive, that He was raised from the dead, and to some extent I acknowledged that as the truth. However, now I knew for myself that He is alive. I met Him. I could no longer argue. I didn't want to argue.

With this new revelation, I began to see how God had been working in my life and what the purpose of the Christian life is. All my life experiences were His preparing me to meet Him. As a living God He was very active in my life. The friends I had, the situations I was in, even my failures were all His arranging for me to open to Him. Since this original experience, I've learned that not only can a person just meet God, but also, because He is living, our lives can be lived in constant fellowship with Him. Every problem—or even good thing—that comes our way, we can take to Jesus. The Bible says, "For being tempted in that which He Himself has suffered, He is able to help those who are being tempted," and that He can "be touched with the feeling of our weaknesses."* This shows that the Christian life is a life lived through the strength found in a relationship with Christ. I don't have to try to improve myself outwardly; I have a wonderful living Savior who is able to work in me until my life just expresses Him.

All my former questions were swallowed up when I met Jesus face to face. I found the unique Answer—Jesus Christ. He is alive today and He is ready to meet anyone who opens to Him. He is the solution to all problems in life. Being filled with Him and letting Him saturate your entire being is the meaning of human life. And a life lived with Him is the most satisfying and meaningful.

Columbus, Ohio

* Hebrews 2:18, 4:15.

To receive the true life of God, revealed in the living of the God-man Jesus, simply pray the following:

"Lord Jesus, I confess that I need You. Forgive me for not living according to Your standard of truth. Thank You for dying on my behalf and taking away my sins. I receive You right now. From now on I want to live by Your true and eternal life."